Dev Blog Week 3


Hello! In this week, our team start to work on the tasks as assigned in the previous week. We also did some peer evaluation for other groups. Very excited to see how far we can push for our game :)
Anyway the blog post this week is to update you with our current progress.

What’s Happening


Familiarising with Unity engine. Currently working on implementing the enemy and tower system. Will be implementing a tower that is able to attack, and is upgradeable. Will also be implementing an enemy system that is able to spawn moving enemies from a spawn point.


First pass of 3D isometric camera system is already done, we will be experimenting with it and gather some feedback in the next few days to see if it is comfortable for the player. Camera system is one of the hardest to achieve perfection and we want to invest a substantial amount of time in this area to make sure everything looks good and feels good. Thinking about adding a button to reset the camera view to the player’s Base.


Started researching a lot about UI, gathered a great amount of references for our game to get design inspirations. Came up with 2 versions of the logo designs - 3D block and organic smooth logos, along with the colour scheme and typography.

First version of our 3D block logo

Second version of organic smooth logo

There are two initial designs to the logo. We as a team preferred the second version the most, but the logo looks too friendly and organic. Thus, we decided it is better to spell out the full name for our game and consider including a game element, like a card into our logo. Will be making more iterations to our game logo, experimenting on the card designs and a 3D tower model for the next meeting.


Researched on UI with Yuki, mainly working on buttons and menu. Also looked into card shuffling algorithm and came up with a prototype on card system in Unity. The next step would be to make the cards as interactable objects and have a functionality.


Have been researching on machine learning in Unity. Tried out the machine learning plugin. As of now, we are aiming to use A* pathfinding algorithm with machine learning to optimise the path to take and not walk into obstacles and get stuck. Our aim at the end of this project is to create an enemy AI that will detect the buildings and its threat level for different types of enemy. For instance, we would want a tank enemy to avoid paths that have a high density of single target high damage towers.

Yu An

Completed game design document for the current stage of game. Have been writing development blogs for our team so far. Given a lot advices for other teammates how to go about completing their tasks. Also took time in researching in machine learning because I know that this is a very difficult and new area for all of us. I have been working with Gordon and giving him some ideas for the aspects of machine learning and we both think that we benefited a lot from one another. Have also added more environment inspirations that tie just nicely with our design system

Get Get Out of My Land!

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