Dev Blog Week 8


Hello people, we are back with another weekly update! Our alpha phase just ended and we are starting on beta phase now. Before we get into the details of this week’s update, we would like to update the overall progress of our game thus far. Currently most of the basic mechanics are already in, we are working on adding in a few more mechanics and it would be left with game polishing. So in this beta phase, our team would be focusing on some mechanics and finalise the mechanics that we want. Some of the stuff that we planned to do are also based on the play testing feedback from other teams :)

What We Planned

First off, we are changing the way we build land and tower. Currently, the towers are built on top of a land tile, this allows the player to form a path with the towers. However, we realised that there wasn’t much strategy behind placing a tower or land. Most of the time the player would simply build more towers and form one true path. Our solution is instead of building the tower on land, the towers are build adjacent to a land tile. By doing so, the land tiles itself will form a path and the player has to decide what shape to build such that it is beneficial to the player where the path to the base extends while allowing the player to build as many towers as the player wants.

Next, we are working on the game balancing. As of now, the game has yet to be balanced, it is way too easy. We are going to formulate some equations to scale the enemy’s stats and the number of enemies that will be spawned. We are also thinking about restricting the number of moves that the player can do in every round so that the game requires more choices. These make the game more challenging so that the player would not find it boring.

In addition, we are also going to make the high score implicit, introduce some progression in the form of elite monsters or bosses. This would make the player more likely to continue playing.

Lastly, we have a bunch of mechanics and improvements that we would like to add in, such as randomise spawn point, more card variations, allow the player to preview the deck, more VFX, more SFX, tutorial page, tower upgrades, random generated game level, beautify the scene with more objects.

Get Get Out of My Land!

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