Dev Blog Week 7


This week, our team is focusing on integrating all the features that we have been working on the past few weeks for our Alpha phase. Many features are completed and you can expect a playable product with all the key features in the game!



  • Created Prefab for Tank, which makes the towers only target it for a short time, 
  • Created prefab for healer which heals all surrounding enemies every period of time
  • Implemented tower models 
  • Implemented elemental systems for all towers
  • Implemented elemental reactions on the enemy prefabs to show combinations of status effects on enemies
  • Implemented VFX of the projectiles


  • Expanded the outer grid in the game by 1 block size, it is easier for the player to build the land tiles now
  • Completed high score system
  • Fixing bug for building land tiles


  • Completed Splash Screen with any key
  • Completed Start screen
  • Settings - music mixer is completed
  • Completed Exit screen - exiting game is completed
  • Completed Tower VFX
  • Completed Tower models and animations
  • Completed Enemy models


  • Add card feature completed
  • Main menu, in-game menu, pause and end game screens are designed, need to be implemented into the game


  • Working on smart random spawn point
  • Merging branches for integration

Yu An

  • Discuss more implementation of enemy AI and ML with Gordon
  • Working on Game Design Documents
  • Writing Dev Blogs
  • Optimise Tower 3D models as game ready assets
  • Help teammates with their tasks

Get Get Out of My Land!

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