Dev Blog Week 9


3 more weeks to the full version of our game!! :partying_face:

This week, our team is focusing on integrating all the features that we have been working on balancing the game and introducing more challenging components. As a team, we decided to remove the wind element from our elemental chart, and making the fire ball effect in a straight line to the enemy. We value the feedback given by other teams and the teaching team, and hope that our game has surpassed the expectations for Beta release!



  • Updated VFX for enemies
    • Healing effect for enemies 
    • Changed assassin’s skin so that when invisible can see better
  • Updated VFX for towers
    • Created VFX for plasma, steam and shock
    • Changed VFX for water tower and fire tower
  • Updated Enemy HP bar to work now
  • Working on the upgrading of towers and introducing a special boss every 5 waves


  • Tower prefabs now contain a tile below, don’t allow players to build towers on land now
  • Countdown and fading out of music after wave starts are working
  • Will be working on making the turret selectable, to show the range
  • To help in Technical Design Document


  • Designed and implemented the tutorial pages and bugs on the tutorial pages are fixed
  • To update website
  • To create UI for the deck showing
  • To update our repository’s readme and STEPS page’s design
  • To help in Game Design Document


  • Added a function that player starts with at least 2 towers
  • Pause function is done
    • Can build when paused
  • Linked the settings screen to the pause screen
  • To add to allow the players see the deck of cards and add flipping animation to the card deck


  • Enemy manager created
  • Finish up on the dynamic spawn point using ML

Yu An

  • Continue working on Game Design Document
  • Continue play test the game every merge
  • To change the colour of the tiles below the towers, for better differentiation
  • To change the shape of the land at the start of the game
  • To add more special boss monsters every 5 waves
  • To add more moving clouds in the skybox to make it more interactive

Get Get Out of My Land!

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