Dev Blog Week 6


This week, our team is focusing on implementing the features planned for Alpha phase. We are trying our best to complete as much works set out despite having exams soon.



  • Created Prefab for Assassin and Warrior
  • Assassin change trigger effects to when first time kena hit
  • Will continue to work on Tank and Mage


  • Bug fixing to prevent the turret from blocking the enemy path
  • Implemented naive randomise spawn point


  • Did tower 3D models and texture
  • Research tower VFX
  • Research enemy 3D models
  • Refining in-game screens' UI design with more mockups


  • Refine card UI designs
  • Working on implementing add card feature
  • Testing UI in-game


  • Implement rule base AI for dynamic spawning, will require the new towers to be able to test it
  • Composed a first pass for the in-game background music

Yu An

  • Aid Gordon with implementing enemy AI with ML
  • Implemented the tower 3d assets into the game with textures and materials set up.
  • Work on dev logs and game design document

Get Get Out of My Land!

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